วันศุกร์ที่ 14 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2558



Best for....Stressed bodies

Feeling on edge? Your body releases stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline when it is in fight or flight mode.This is great news in the short - term because you will feel energised and pumped up,but stay in this high - stress state for too long and you will eventually burn out.Cortisol levels will be high when you are stressed,which isn t i deal as it makes the body release insulin and hold on to fat.explains jacqui cleaver,fitness expert at New you.
You absolutely must clam down if you are stressed, and the way to this is through focused training like yoga,pilates or gental jogging .



The trouble is that strong emotions - both positive and negative - can also stop us from going a run.After all, we all felt to frazzled ,pumped up vexed to hit the roads. Apparently, that is a common scenrio -recent data reveals that people who feel either overly happy or down in the dumps are less likely to exercise than those who are in a neutral frame of mind. But it need t be this way - the answer to feeling emotional is t to ditch your work out but to change it.Strong emotions create a hot bed of hormones that can be used to your advantage. 

Run your way HAPPY


Don t let a bad day derail your training plan. Turn that frown upside down by matching your run to your mood !  

It s no secret that running is great for your emotional health. Science show that physical activity - especially strenuous exercise like fast running - releases happy hormones,such as serotonin, that can make fitbies fell more relaxed and positive.It s so effective,in fact,
Feeling of excitement and enthusiasm than non - active types. And the mental benefits are not short -lived,either - further data in the journal Medicine and science in sport and Exercise shows the exercise can buffer brains against long - term emotional stress, so that you are not only less anxious now but also less likely to feel anxious in the future.

Treat yourself!

Treat yourself!

Getting the bikini body you crave can be fun! Treat yourself to a massage before you hit the beach.it improves circulation and lymphatic drainage,making your skin appear tighter and giving it an instant glow.

Stand tall

Stand tall

Want an instant tummy tuck ? check your posture.Standing correctly with your shoulders rolled back, tummy muscles engaged and spine extended can make you look around five lbs lighter!To help,imagine there a thread travelling up your spine and out of the top of your head,and it tugging you gently upwards.Also imagine tightening a belt around your tummy as you do this,drawing in stomach muscles.

Fake the bake!


Adding shadows and highlights with fake tan can really make a difference to the way you look and feel in bikini and it takes no time at all! The key is to create contour by applying a bronzer a couple of shades darker than your normal skin to areas that lack muscle definition.

Rev things up

Rev things up

Get your metabolism firing on all cylinders and keep super hydrated by drinking three cups of green tea a day.This refreshing cuppa eases digestion immediately relieving a bloated tum and it also has the added effect of revving up your metabolism,which means you will lose weight quicker.if you don t like the taste it also comes in tablet form.

Banish booze and go for zest!

Alcohol is highly calorific and will dehydrate you rapidly.this causes the body to hold on to every last bit of water,making you look and feel bloated.instead opt for water with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice and drink throughout the day.

Take a probiotic

When there and overgrowth of the wrong type of bacteria in your gut,your entire system becomes inflamed and you are more likely to crave the wrong types of foods. You will also suffer from bloating. Taking a probiotic will give you an instant enegy boost,soothe digestion and alleviate swelling.

Tone and stretch.

Tone and stretch

For lithe legs and a slender torso take up body toning exercises, and pratice for 20 minutes every day.Choose yoga,pilates, or tai chi.A few simple stretches to help lengthen limbs and increase flexibility work wonders before you hit the beach!

Avoid gas guzzling.

Cutting out fizzy drink is an instant way to gain a flat tum.They contain carbon dioxide,a gas that is released in your stomach.
causing excess air.Chewing gum is another offender,as is talking whilst eating because you swallow extra air.take your time with each meal.chewing every mouthful properly to avoid creating gas in the
stomach.you will also be less likely to overeat if you savour your food this way.

Body brush

Invest in a good body brush and get the circulation flowing.Use brisk upward movements to reduce the appearance of cellulite ,whilst tightening and brightening skin.The work particularly well on the thighs and good news is you will start to look and feel better straight away.

Last - minute WEIGHT LOSS.Beat the bloat

A couple of days before you bare you bod to the world , avoid carbs like white bread,pasta and rice instead choose wholegrain options like quinoa,oats and brown rice.These are high in fibre and will aid digestion which in turn reduces bloating.

Last - minute WEIGHT LOSS.Ditch Sugar

Ditch sugar

Sugar  makes you sluggish. it the enemy of all dieters causing energy spikes and hormonal problems which make it harder to lose the inches,particularly around the stomach. Try to avoid sugary treats and sweten drinks with cinnamon instead. it has half the amount of calories per spoonful and also thought to kick start the metabolism. you will notice a difference in a few days!

Last - minute WEIGHT LOSS.Move more.


The might seem obvious,particularly if you love your exercise anyway,but moving as much as you can before you don your new two piece is one of the best ways to look and feel great.Even if you train regularly you can still make small changes to your everyday routine that will make a difference.
For example,get off the bus a stop earlier and walk for longer to work.Run up and down the stairs at home of walking. Squat when you bend to pick something up and get those glutes super toned.
Tense the muscles when you are standing and get up from chairs with out using your hand and arms to engage and tighten core muscle.