วันพุธที่ 19 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2558

My FUN FUN Picture .

Part 13

With my female Indian patients,the abdomen is bared in their clothing so that becomes a focus with many wanting liposuction. i see a lot of Russian girls who want bits of liposuction and breast surgery - many are newly divorced so they come in to get their confidence back.we also get a few Chinese clients who say they do not trust Chinese surgeons.

Part 13

In trems of different nationalities,the iranians in my view have splendid large, refined noses and look aristocratic, but many of them want a hump reduced. Middle Eastern men are more concerned now with their looks and want eyelifts, plus they tend to be pot- bellied and want liposuction.

Part 12

There s a pattern and it change not just on cultural grouds, but also on grouds of availability,he say. if a new procedure becomes available then people think they have a problem.For example,when it comes to using fillers in lips people did not realise they had amall lips until there was a means of making them fuller.