วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Is the Pill making me anxious ?

Is the Pill making me anxious?

But a new study has found it shrinks areas of the brain that regulate emotions.

Is the pill making me anxious?

Maybe.While many health effects associated with the pill are know -reduced risk of ovarian cancer,increased chance of breast cancer-there has been limited research into its impact on mental health.
Part 1

Should i be letting my two - year -old nephew use my smartphone?

Tempted to shove a digital babysitter in front of small child? Bad news a recent Us study suggests that all of the educational benefits of interactive technology are outweighed by potentially detrimental effects on a young child are social - emotion development .

The big Question....

Why do my muscle swell for days after a tough workout?

T - shirt a bit tight on the arms? Here why pushing you muscles to the limit causes micro tears. Do not worry - the tissue grows back leaner and stronger .But to deal with that initial damage, white blood cells and lactic acid rush in, carrying nutrients to repair the tissue .The leads to a histamine spike,which results in swelling.
With it come Doms which can prolong swelling and hamper performance for a few days,This will increase bloodflow as arteries contract and dilate,,clearing out histamine.