- Do chew your food.not only does it aid digestion,it also releases vitamins and minerals.
- Do breathe.put your cutlery down and take a few breaths between each mouthful
- Do stop when you are full
- Do make sure you are drinking plenty of still water.When you stressed it easy to forget to stay hydrated.
- Don t eat stressed.Only ever eat when you are relaxed .if you are stressed,wait until you feel calm before eating.
- Don t be afraid to leave food on the plate. You can always have more later if you become hungry again.
- Do not mistake stress for hunger.if you are stressed you need to calm down,not eat.
- Do not watch TV or do any type of work while you are eating.Focusing on something other than food can lead to overeating.
- Do not swallow until your food is watery paste.
วันเสาร์ที่ 15 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2558
Dos & Do not of Eating
# DreamzBeautyClub#
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